States across the United States have initiated stay-in-place orders to combat the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) resulting in the increased use of Telehealth for clients to access mental health services and professionals. According to the Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA), Telehealth technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications. In addition to these technologies, mobile apps have forged a path in mental health treatment and research. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) article, Technology and the Future of Mental Health, provides a summary of the current and future use of technology in mental health, the pros and cons of mental health apps, the current trends in app development, research via smartphones, partnerships between clinicians and engineers, and, evaluation of apps. In conclusion the article addresses the role of the NIMH in mental health intervention technology. The article reported that between 2009 and 2015, the NIMH awarded 404 grants totaling to 445 million grants for technology enhanced mental health interventions. The sheer number of grants in the category of enhanced technology points to the future direction of technology in mental health treatment.